
Well I went with the prompt of getting all of our five senses in the song why stop with four? This actually sort of happened to me yesterday. Except the ending. That never happened. but a little five year old girl looked at her mom and said that I looked like a cowboy and for her to ask me if I had a cowgirl. It was very cute and this song popped out. It’s basically CFG but I got a diminished chord in !


A five-year-old girl asked her mom

so that man he looks just like a cowboy

ask him if he has a cowgirl

from the mouths of babes the bomb

no I don’t have a cow girl

funny you should ask

i’ve been looking for my cowgirl

it is my major task

once I had a cowgirl

she smelled as sweet as hay

she was rough around the edges

but warm as a summer sun ray

she was pretty as a peacock

and soft as oa September sunrise

her lips taste like cherry blossoms

when they spoke all they said was lies

so I had to shoot her