Jake Paul’s Song

After watching that fight between Jake Paul and Mike Tyson, this little song came to me.

Jake Paul’s song

Hey Jake

You promised us a knock out but I think we need another bout 

Hey Jake why don’t you fight George Foreman at 78

George  is 75 three more years he might survive 

so hey Jake why don’t you fight George Foreman at 78

With a little luck I’m sure you could make a buck

Float like a butterfly sting like a bee 

you cannot hit what you cannot see

 float like a butterfly sting like a bee

 fighting the ghost of Muhammad Ali

But hey Jake why don’t you fight George Foreman at 78

George is 75 three more years I’m sure he will survive

With a little luck I’m sure you could make a buck

 and we could watch it live 

Knock out an old man

Sounds like a plan