Recycled Love

This is a true story.
Recycled love

Recycled love recycled love

I’ve got a lot of recycled love

I’ve tried and tried to give it away

But it keeps coming back for another day

To stay

I gave it to Karen, she gave it right back

She told me to leave so I had to pack

Gave it to Janine thought she was the one

Then I found out she was one and done

So I gave it to Tracy the perfect fit

But for some reason she wanted to quit

So I gave it to Christie in the snow in a tent

Two kids later she just wants to vent

So I gave it to Gina, she was so hot

But in the end just another not

So I gave it to Kimberly for quite a long time

But she’s like a best friend it’s a weird fine line

So I gave it to Mary everyone thought she’s the best

But she got away I failed the test

Since then I’ve tried to give it away

But it seems like it just kinda wants to stay