We woke up thanksgiving morning DA
right at dawn, how ideal. EA
laying in bed making plans. DA
to make the full on meal. EA
Turkey dressing green beans potatoes. DAEA
maybe some homegrown fried tomatoes. DAEA
I’ll get out my ceramic roaster. EA
Make the turkey have leftovers. DA
maybe start the smoker. EA
make the fixings in the toaster. EA
Laying in bed and waiting. DA
for the twilight to get bright. EA
but it just kept getting darker. DA
until it was finally night. EA
dammit we missed Thanksgiving. EA
we slept the day away. DA
Oh well lets go to a restaurant. EA
what do you say? EA
Screw the turkey. D
Forget the dressing. A
we’ll have a burrito. E
it’s still a blessing. EA