Thomas Midgley Jr.

oh Midgley Thomas Midgley

did you know what you were doing

your inventions are still spewing

and they will be our undoing

you came up with tetra Ethel Lead

when you were working for GM

got rid of the knock and Then it spread

gave us higher RPMs

and coated the entire planet

with a poison that kills

you’ve killed more people than anyone else

and got awards for your skills

oh Midgley Thomas Midgley

did you know what you were doing

your inventions are still spewing

and they will be our undoing

wasn’t enough weren’t quite done

so you made chlorofluorocarbon

you burned a hole in the ozone

with your great invention Freon

they say you’ve done more damage

than anyone alive

coated the planet with poison

and burned a hole in the sky

I think it’s kind of apropos

that you were killed by your creation

after lead poisoning and polio

disabled in humiliation

The pulley system to get out of bed

save the world and left you dead