
I went with the prompt of the most admired woman of my life. I went with my spiritual teacher who gave me the name Nial. Tsiela is the title because that is Ann Ree Coltons soul name, The name you take with you from life to life and use in the inner realms between lives. The people I used to work with have finally put some of her talks up on YouTube so I will include one if you’re interested.

She was a Prophet

she was a fountain

lived at the summit 

of the mountain

She was a channel

She was a seer

We all kind of wanted to be her

To see the world through her eyes

Beyond the lies

… before we die

she was a channel

she was a teacher

She was 

one hell of a preacher

she had traveled the path

A true polymath p

woven dimensions

verbal inventions

to make our way

in those foot prints

and let us  display

The imprints

she was multidimensional

clearly intentional

far from conventional

but quite exceptional

beyond time and space

she was nothing but Grace

she was a seer of the eternal plan

to organize the mind of man

really extra ordinary

and somewhat of a visionary

otherworldly knowledge

The mouthpiece of the masters

A system to incorporate

clear and defined tasks

An ethic and an honesty

A knowing in your heart

knowledge beyond knowing

omniscience beyond part

for years I was a seeker

and then I was a founder

but no one thinks it’s possible

as mankind it does flounder

to know her was to be one

with universal creation

and no one will believe it

that’s my initiation