

Walls of protection built at wartime
left to stand and never torn down
once the war’s over what is their worth
just a blight between neighboring towns
they inhibit the healing won’t let love permeate
they solidify separateness if no one opens the gate
the great wall of China the wall of Berlin
these feats of construction from the hate of men
like the walls that we build around ourselves
to protect us from things in the past
but this is the present, and now all those walls
only block out a oneness so vast
these walls which hide the emotions so well
walls to keep everyone out
walls that have been built for so long
we don’t know what they are about
they were built long ago from a fear or hate
a separateness tool without a gate
and now we hear one, on the other side
with a voice that is so true
but we have been so long in these prison walls
we try but cannot break through
we must tear them down
tunnel or fly
we mustn’t stay locked in these walls ’till we die
do what we must to be set free
and forget the fears that bind thee

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